In Haiti, only about 20% of kids in haiti attend school beyond primary (6th grade) . it costs money to simply get an education. The Jervis family fell in love with Cite Soley, Haiti in 2010. In this community families are living on less than $1.00 a day. You do the math on that one... education is a scarcity. As the Jervis family built relationship with the children in this community over the past 6 years, the desire among the younger generations for education was obvious. A majority of kids have incredible dreams of becoming nurses, or politicians to give back to their country and community. However, education is a crucial step in making these dreams come true. 

With a broken heart, Tami brainstormed with her family endless ideas of how to bring relief to the disparity to the community of Cite Soley. Burdened by the IMBALANCE of our excess and haiti's need for so much, Tami began raising money for the needs of cite soley through selling kombucha And that brings us to beginning of TAPTAP. By drinking TAPTAP you are brining education, employment, and sustainable projects directly to Cite soley, haiti.  

TAPTAP is inspired by the native Haitian way of trasportation- the TAPTAP bus (picture an old pick up truck, with bench seats in the truck bed, brightly painted with a rickety covering over the top). The kids ride these TAPTAPs into school every morning, one ride at a time bringing balance and restoration to their own communities. 

With one glass of TAPTAP Kombucha you can bring balance and restoration to your own body... you probably can guess where this is going... 


Generosity is all around us. It is powerful to be able to change someone's world and the trajectory of their life on the other side of the globe. We who have excess need balance just as much as those who lack. When we give out of our excess we feel lighter, more balanced, and more hopeful. There is power in being part of something that brings positive change in the world. And that is the vision behind TAPTAP. Cheers folks. 

For more information on how to get involved in Cite Soley Haiti, visit www.soleyinc.com